Macarena Moraga

Elevate your corporate impact with professional presentation design

In today’s competitive corporate world, every communication opportunity is crucial for standing out among the crowd. Corporate presentations are no exception; they are your company’s introduction, the showcase of your ideas and projects. Why settle for the ordinary when you can elevate your game with presentation design that captivates from the first click? KEYS TO AN IMPECCABLE DIGITAL PRESENTATION First, […]

Elevate your corporate impact with professional presentation design Continúa leyendo »

Case study: the experience of creating a place brand for iconic Concha y Toro Neighborhood.

A ‘place brand’, or location brand, is a powerful tool used to shape the reputation of a place – be it a neighborhood, city, region, or entire country. It encompasses more than just a logo or slogan; it also includes the emotions, experiences, and associations that people have with the place. As such, a successful place brand can influence tourism,

Case study: the experience of creating a place brand for iconic Concha y Toro Neighborhood. Continúa leyendo »

agencias de diseño

What to Expect from a Design Agency

When it comes to business, there are a lot of different aspects to consider. One of the most important is the way your company looks to the world. That’s where design agencies come in. A good design agency can completely transform your brand, from the way it looks to the way it communicates with customers. But what should you expect

What to Expect from a Design Agency Continúa leyendo »

estudio de diseño gráfico

Why choose a smaller branding office

When it comes to offering branding services for your project, a large branding or advertising agency can sometimes appeared professional and experienced. However, in many cases this is not necessarily true or what your project needs. Therefore, hiring a smaller branding office can offer you certain advantages. In smaller branding offices, the team is more compact and composed with experts

Why choose a smaller branding office Continúa leyendo »

gráficas para redes sociales

How we design and deliver your social media graphics

There’s no doubt that graphics and good photography put your brand on the spotlight in the vast ocean of social media. So no wonder we receive lots of requests for our “social media services”. However we need to clarify that Hey Diseño is a graphic design studio and not a marketing agency, so services provided are slightly different. While a

How we design and deliver your social media graphics Continúa leyendo »


Which of These 5 Types of Packaging Is the Best for Your Product?

In a saturated market, everyone is fighting to stand out and packaging is your great ally on the supermarket and store shelves. Obviously, you want it to be recognizable, unique and attractive. There is always the option of putting your product in a generic box or bag, but it is better to avoid being generic, isn’t it? In this scenario

Which of These 5 Types of Packaging Is the Best for Your Product? Continúa leyendo »

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Brown Norte 100, Of. 311.
Ñuñoa, Santiago.