
Which of These 5 Types of Packaging Is the Best for Your Product?

In a saturated market, everyone is fighting to stand out and packaging is your great ally on the supermarket and store shelves. Obviously, you want it to be recognizable, unique and attractive. There is always the option of putting your product in a generic box or bag, but it is better to avoid being generic, isn’t it? In this scenario it is important to identify what types of packaging are right for your brand.

Choosing the Right Type of Container and Packaging.

You cannot contain liquid in a cardboard box (for obvious reasons). When looking at what type of packaging is right for your product, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How is the product stored? Not only in your warehouse and on the shelves, but in other stores, in transit and at the buyer’s home.
  • The fragility of your product: Is it necessary to protect it from possible shocks or falls?
  • The shelf life of your product: Is it a perishable food or beverage that needs to be kept fresh?
  • How many products are packed together? 
  • How heavy is your product? When you ship it, you pay for the weight. Choosing heavy packaging for your already heavy product can mean out-of-pocket shipping costs.

Here are 5 different types of packaging. Consider how the different types of packaging work and how they can work together to showcase your unique product.

The 5 Types of Packaging 


22N by Hey Diseño for PcFactory

When we talk about “boxes,” we don’t just mean the traditional square cardboard box. We mean all types of boxes. If it’s a closed container with rigid walls that protect the contents from impact. It’s a box. 

Boxes are one of the most common types of packaging because they are easy and convenient. Need your packaging to be firm and easy to stack? Then boxes are a good choice. You can put practically anything in them.

They are also a very economical alternative for entrepreneurs who may not have the funds to produce a 100% customized package and must be content for the time being with adding their design to a standard package.

The Nice Company by Partners In Crime

Remember we said boxes don’t have to be square? A uniquely shaped box can be an effective way to make the packaging the focal point of your brand identity. If your product is sold on store shelves, this is huge, the packaging is the first thing potential buyers see Think outside the box!

Vacuum Packaging

types of packaging

Unlike other types of packaging such as boxes and bags, these wraps are machine applied and often heat sealed or vacuum sealed around the product. The purpose is to eliminate any risk of contamination. There are numerous types of hermetic packaging.


types of packaging
Ohana bottle by Hey Diseño

Bottles come in all shapes and sizes, and are as varied as the types of liquids stored in them. They range from disposable plastic bottles to engraved and embossed glass bottles. Any type of bottle, disposable or collectible, benefits from careful design, where you can give free rein to label design.


types of packaging
Ohana cans by Hey Diseño

If your product is liquid and you don’t want to package it in a bottle, a can is another option. Cans present a certain complexity depending on whether it will be printed or carry a label. The latter is a solution that we see more and more in the market from craft beer brands such as Tamango or HastaPronto.

Sustainable packaging 

One of the most interesting things we are experiencing at the moment are innovations related to sustainability. The main companies have already included in their 2025/2030 programs objectives such as circular economy, biodegradable and compostable packages. Also greater use of materials such as aluminum, glass, cardboard or paper, among others.

In Chile, the REP Law is adjusting and gaining more strength. At the same time, consumers have increased their demands on the subject. They are more aware and are even willing to pay a little more for it. The impact on design and appearance should be remarkable compared to current solutions.

Designing a Family of Packaging. 

If you have an extended family of products, such as fast food outlets, for example, you can work together to communicate the brand in an innovative way.

Remember, your types of packaging should enhance the shopper’s experience with your product.

Source: The 7 Types of Packaging


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