
10 tips for naming your brand or company

Creating a company name or giving a name to your brand, product, application, etc., is a task that seems very delicate and can take months! Hence, it can delay your branding process.  -never create a logo without first having a name-.

Grant Polachek, Marketing Director at Squadhelp has published in JustCreative, 10 tips for naming your brand that will make the decision easier.

  1. Don’t be boring. The market is saturated enough with brands for yours to have a standard, traditional name.
  2. Take into account the context where your product will be immersed. Do you want to stand out or do you prefer to fit in?
  3. Prefer simplicity, after all you want your customers to be able to remember and pronounce your name.
  4. Be different but not weird. A very fancy name can ultimately work against you.
  5. Don’t choose the name by yourself. Instead, ask your partners, friends and family for their opinion and ideas.
  6. Check if the domain is available but don’t let a URL determine the name of your company.
  7. If you are targeting an international market make sure your name does not mean anything offensive or negative to your business image in another language.
  8. Check legal terms and the availability of registering your trademark.
  9. Be aware of your target market; what they want, how they speak, etc…
  10. Validate your name with your target market. Once you have a few options, conduct a brief survey to see which ones are best received.

You can read the full article here.

If you want to know how our naming process works, we invite you to read this post.


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