Hey Design talks about sustainable packaging design in VAS magazine

In a new edition of VAS Magazine, Hey Design was interviewed to talk about its experience in sustainable packaging design during the pandemic.

We always start with a minimum reusable alternative. In other words, the minimum possible packaging must also be reusable. This also boosts brand awareness from the brand’s point of view.

-Macarena Moraga, Creative Director

The Chilean graphic design studio spoke about the needs of the industry to continue innovating in sustainable packaging design. Also about the challenges of the current market and their experience during the pandemic.

In this context, she told about the work done for ConserBar, a signature cocktail bar located in Barrio Italia with whom they had been developing their brand before the pandemic. “The obligation to close a few months after opening obviously generated a lot of anxiety and insecurity. However, we managed to develop a simple, quick to make and economical package that could send home such unusual things as a cocktail or a snack board. But without losing the brand and without the end customer having to make large preparations at home afterwards”.

Economic, fast and sustainable packaging for ConserBar.

If you want to continue reading the full article here.


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