Improve your logotype design in 5 easy steps

You may already have your logotype design or have ready the ideas you want to communicate with it. But you might want to be sure that it complies with all the premises of the design before it comes out. If so, it is important that you consider the five keys to improve your logo design that we bring you below.

We know the importance of a company’s logo, it is its letter of introduction and the first visual contact that customers have with the product offered or with the organization. That is why when designing what will be the company’s logo, it is important that you check all the important keys before it comes to light. If you are in the process of designing or refreshing your logo, do not miss these considerations.

Make it timeless, so that it is not associated with a fad.

You must work together with your GRAPHIC DESIGNER to make sure that the logo does not respond to a fad. It is essential that the logo is timeless. In other words, that at least for the next 5 years, it continues to effectively communicate the values of the company and not the pop fashion of the previous summer.


Eliminate ornaments or elements that do not contribute anything.

Remember the old saying: less is more. In this sense, try to eliminate any additional element or ornament that does not add anything to your logo. That goes from images or underlining to phrases or long words.

Note: Do not include your slogan in the logo, be brief and direct.

Make it fit on social media platforms

Your logo needs to be legible on any printed surface, but also, on any social media profile image or avatar. Don’t take this at random, and always consider that the best option to show your image will be your logo and not a picture of your product.

Use little text or words

As we indicated in point two, it is very important that you use little text or words. If the name of your company or organization, consider using the acronym or a fraction of the name, remember that a logo should be legible in 3 seconds. In any case, if your followers have to spend more seconds trying to read the name of the company, you will surely lose their attention and they will not remember you.

If it looks too much like your competitor’s logotype, make changes.

Finally, we recommend you to make an extensive Benchmark study so that you can get to know your competitors well and find out which is the type of logo that prevails in the market you are part of. You should do this so that your logo does not look too much like your competitors’. Hence, you can avoid that consumers fail to differentiate you on the supermarket shelves. Also avoid making an excellent advertisement and customers buying the wrong brand or product.

For more tips for the branding of your project we invite you to visit our blog.


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