How to add value to the product with the packaging design

The image and presentation of a product or package offered by the company depends on the packaging, which must represent something more than a protective wrapping. That is why you should count on the help of a professional for packaging design. These professionals will make your brand image stand out from the rest and your product will get more value.

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Originally, packaging serves the purpose of wrapping, protecting and containing a product for its sale and distribution in the market. However, in addition to being functional, it must also contain a good design that serves as an identity or letter of presentation of the product. Its goal is to attract the consumer who is looking for such products.

Among the functions that packaging design must fulfill are to stand out from the competition. It must offer an ingenious and creative design that captures the attention and can be differentiated from up to three identical products of different brands. And, of course, it must be easily identifiable at a glance, so that the consumer knows which brand the product belongs to.

In addition to brand identity, it should serve as a communication channel with the customer. What are the characteristics of the product? Is it edible? Is it a fragile item? The packaging should reflect these answers along with a brief text indicating uses, indications or ingredients used.

And finally, it should add value to the product. The composition, shape, materials and type of packaging can provide additional information about the brand. That is to say, its corporate image and what it wants to convey with the sale and distribution of its product.



Packaging design must take into account the following aspects in order to achieve the company’s objectives of sales, distribution and brand identity through the product.

First of all, the designer must carry out a study of the company’s identity, which considers the logo design, the corporate color and the graphic design of the brand. In this way, the design will be able to reflect the company’s identity and use elements that fully identify it at first sight.

After that, the packaging design must consider the commercial aspects of the company: What types of products does it sell? What is its target public? What are its distribution channels? Is it a wholesale or retail company? All this and more should serve as references to meet the functional needs of the brand.

Then, it is important to take into account the design of the product information being offered. Depending on its type, the packaging design must be able to reflect the product’s origin, the ingredients used, the instructions for use or its main function.

And finally there is the emotional aspect. The packaging design should reflect the interests of the customer. Certainly, he or she are not only looking for an attractive product, but also one that adds value to their daily life.

Currently, sustainable design plays a key role in this aspect by offering sustainable packaging designs that can produce the least environmental impact. Also, it can contribute to its reuse by the customer.


If you have a product that you want to market, but you want to renew the packaging, the ideal is to seek the help of a good graphic designer who can analyze the characteristics of your brand, types of customers and corporate image so that the packaging matches your company.

The professional will be able to work on a customized packaging adapted to the consumer’s needs, adding details, colors or shapes that attract attention and go beyond the mere concept of a product container.

The packaging design is an important factor for the communication of the brand with the customer, thus generating a great acceptance of the latter who would acquire the product and move it, contributing with advertising directly to every place it goes.

It is important that the packaging fulfills its purposes and functions, you can choose the best graphic designer who will give you the best ideas to add more value to your product, increase the cost of sale and identify you from the competition.

A packaging design that reflects sustainability, aesthetics, functionality and practicality brings more value to the product. Also, it will attract the attention of customers and will make them willing to pay a high price to get the product. In the process, they will discard the other brands and advertise the product by moving the bag, box or wrapper anywhere.


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