diseño y desarrollo web

Web design and development for Nomade Chile

This particular web design and development project for Nomade Chile required a great deal of synthesis and content definition given the nature of the service they provide.

Nomade Chile is a company that might be defined as a logistical and operational problem solver in remote areas of the country. What started with the installation of temporary camps in mining and engineering exploration site areas, quickly became a full service in accommodation, cleaning, food service and other facilities.

Their previous website urgently needed to refocus; as one of the main contact and lead generation channels the website needed to clearly state the services offered and their broad camp portfolio without cofusing the public about other solutions that aren’t part of their business.

Platform: WordPress
Tools: Figma + Elementor Pro
Result: nomadechile.cl

web design and development
web desing system
web design and development

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Brown Norte 100, Of. 311.
Ñuñoa, Santiago.