
Corporate memory

When we talk about a “corporate memory” we should think of it as exactly that; a memory. It is the preservation of a heritage, the history, philosophy and knowledge of a company or brand.

It is important to “put on the table” all the knowledge that is available in the company, this transparency and clarity of intellectual assets allows them not to be considered lost or forgotten in the memory.

Pablo L. Belly


annual report design

In addition to a historical review that includes the company’s vision to keep everyone on the same page, a corporate report should be updated year by year in the form of an annual report design. Hence, it must include the achievements of the past year. These achievements can be the result of certain research, new machinery, awards or participation in events, the fulfillment of sustainability goals or profits. Basically, everything that makes investors, customers and suppliers feel happy to be part of the company.

In addition to achievements, it is necessary that the annual report design includes certain financial ratios. Also, hard data about the company’s performance in the stock market or simply in terms of revenues during the year.

Corporate Memory or Annual Report

Last but not least, there is the actual promotion of the company. Finally, the corporate report is made not only to document and preserve knowledge. In fact, it is also an important strategic document that can help to attract new investors or generate new alliances.

The corporate report today is not only a company’s annual accountability. It is a strategic editorial document that opens the company’s doors to boards of directors, investors, stakeholders, customers and society. And as such, it is an open invitation to learn about its history and reasons to exist. Also, how the institution thinks, how it projects itself and how it seeks to add value at a commercial and social level within the community where it operates over time. That is why it is so relevant. And it can become even more relevant if we know how to promote it in the digital environment beyond a downloadable pdf version. That is where a tremendous world of opportunities opens up, not only to be read, but also to be seen and heard by anyone who wants to access it.


In this sense, the work of designers becomes key. As a result, a good annual report design offers a better reading and retention of information; two key aspects for the company in question.

If your company is planning its next corporate memory, you should only worry and take care about collecting all the necessary information. But leave the preparation of the annual report design in the hands of HEY DISEÑO.


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Ñuñoa, Santiago.