
5 Reasons why your business needs a responsive website

Apparently, it’s no surprise that up to the present time, the use of the internet on smartphones and tablets has increased considerably over the last few years. Despite this, there are still small and medium-sized businesses that do not have a responsive (mobile-friendly) WEBSITE. This not only generates a loss of business opportunities but also causes problems for the Internet user.

In this post, we will try to explain why opting for a web responsive design is so important for your business and marketing efforts. Also, we will consider the important elements that should be taken into account during the DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A RESPONSIVE WEBSITE.


responsive website

This may not come as a surprise to many, but as we mentioned before there are still many companies that do not have a responsive website. Fortunately, with the help of some statistics shown below you will be able to understand how necessary it is to have a website with these features.

  • More than 30% of Google searches are carried out from mobile devices.
  • In Peru, 43% of people connect to the network from their mobile device. And globally, 41% of Internet users say that the smartphone is the preferred device for accessing the Internet.
  • 65% of customers provide a better opinion of brands, products and services when they receive a good mobile experience.
  • 95% of emails are received by phone and 15% to 19% are read on tablets.


According to Google Think Insights on smartphones and tablets, if a user lands on your website from their mobile and cannot see what they are looking for, they become frustrated. That generates a 71% probability that they will leave the website immediately and land on another website (often a competitor’s). On the contrary, if the user has a positive experience on the mobile website, they are 59% more likely to buy a product or service.


In 2012, Pierre Farr from Google mentioned that the company preferred web responsive site design over non-responsive templates. Creating such a website helps Google to crawl your website and reduce the chances of error on SEO pages. For these reasons, it is advisable to hire a professional for creating an SEO-friendly responsive website for your business.

4. Responsive website SITE SPEED IS KEY

According to Google Page Speed Developers, the recommended standard for the first screen load on a smartphone should be less than one second. Moreover, the entire page should load in less than two seconds. This is usually impossible when loading the computer version of the website on a smartphone or tablet. There is a high probability that users will leave the page if they have to wait that long for it to load.

5. Responsive websites ADAPT TO ALL DEVICES

One of the biggest advantages of web responsive design is that the size of the web template is created according to the different screen sizes. As a result, it doesn’t matter the type of device or the size of the screen on which the user sees your website. In the end, the design will adapt according to the width and height of the device.

So in the future, when a new device starts to be used to browse the web, your site will still look good and attractive because it is web responsive.


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